Friday, January 20, 2012

Glad to be back!

I was out of the blogging world for while. We were in Ireland for almost 3 weeks. Ireland is our favorite destination during holidays because this is the nearest place where I can find people closest to the sister and her family. Me, with the unending exchange of thoughts with my sister while the little one enjoying the company of his cousins, and my hubby of course enjoying his holiday with the family and being off from work. It's always been a delightful experience to be in the company of people you care and love. This is just a small-scale experience, I can only imagine how joyous it would be if it would be my entire family, all together in one place. Every time I think of it, it always painted a smile on my face. Happiness really comes from simple joys. I think i posted a lot of times already about Ireland, but every time we are there, there's always something to tell.I'd like to share some photos we had.

 watching happy feet
(my sister with the kids)

 a ride for tourist

 balbriggan harbour

 my sister and I

dublin city at night


daisy said...

wow! so that's why you were silent. :) truly being with family is the best way to celebrate the holidays, no matter where the place is.

btw, you and your sis look alike. :)

jannett said...

your right daisy....wherever we are the best place when we are with our loveones